
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2004 Agility Trial - Bring Your Heart to San Francisco

The 2004 agility trial was held in Burlingame, California - just outside of the host hotel.  The setting was beautiful, but the Bay breeze proved to be a tough challenge!

Judge Kathie Leggett gave an agility handling seminar after the second day of the trial.

The winners were:

2004—4th Agility Trial—Burlingame, California
High Scoring Novice Regular - Ruff N Tumble Barkley Parko—G. Parko
High Scoring Open Regular - [NO QUALIFIERS]
High Scoring Excellent A Regular - [NO QUALIFIERS]
High Scoring Excellent B Regular - Olive’s Grove Phineas Finn—P. Shea-Zackin

2004—5th Agility Trial—Burlingame, California
High Scoring Novice Regular - Ruff N Tumble Barkley Parko—G. Parko
High Scoring Open Regular - Seafal Anna Banana—B. Cunningham
High Scoring Excellent A Regular - Sue’s Little Firefly—S. Dowell
High Scoring Excellent B Regular - Olive’s Grove Phineas Finn—P. Shea-Zackin

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