After the agility trials - there will be several other events to enjoy, including conformation, obedience, and rally obedience.
Interested in entering some of the other events? The premium list will be available from
Rau Dog Shows.
There will also be a lot of wonderful vendors selling unique Shih Tzu supplies and gifts.
The conformation, obedience, and rally obedience events will take place at the host hotel:
Double Tree by Hilton, 210 Holiday Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 | Phone Number: (410)224-3150 or (800)222-8733
If you want to stay at the host hotel (within driving distance for agility), there is a group rate for the specialty:
Group Name: American Shih Tzu Club
Group Code: AST
Check-in: 28-APR-2013 | Check-out: 05-MAY-2013
Room Rate: April 28-May 5: $109, plus $50 nonrefundable pet deposit for rooms with dogs (please specify you are with ASTC)
Book your room soon before they sell out.
Registration (4-5 pm, hotel lobby) and Meet and Greet (6-8 pm, hotel restaurant)
Monday, April 29:
ASTC Agility Trial Set-up and Trial
Tuesday, April 30:
ASTC Agility
Ring, raffle, and grooming setup (5-11 pm), registration, and welcome reception
Wednesday, May 1:
ASTC Rally and Obedience Trials (Ballroom, 8-11 am)
Shih Tzu Fanciers of Greater Baltimore Specialty (Ballroom, 11 am-3 pm)
ASTC Board Meeting (after judging)
Canine Good Citizen Testing (Ballroom, 3-7 pm)
Thursday, May 2:
ASTC Rally and Obedience Trials (Ballroom, 8:30-11 am)
STFGB Specialty (Ballroom, 11 am-2:30 pm)
Breeder Education Seminar
Friday, May 3:
ASTC Sweepstakes (Ballroom)
ASTC Annual General Meeting (ringside, following Sweepstakes) | Judges' Education Seminar
Saturday, May 4:
ASTC Specialty (Ballroom)
ASTC Awards Banquet